Rowan Mossheart

  við Sogið sat eg í vindi, sækaldri norðanátt, og þótti þurrleg seta, þar var af lifandi fátt. en sólin reis in sæla, sveipaði skýjum frá; upp komu allar skepnur að una lífinu þá. og svo var margt af mýi — mökk fyrir sólu ber — að Þórður sortnaði sjálfur og sópar framan úr sér. mývatnssvæði.  

Rule 001.

  • the golden rule

I value open communication, honesty, and kindness. Do not attempt to guilt-trip, manipulate, or any other drama-mongering tactics. If I feel any of this is happening, I will not hesitate to sever the connection ICly and OOCly.

Rule 002.

  • respect boundaries

I am over thirty years old with a full time job; I have a life outside of FFXIV and outside of roleplay. I can not and will not roleplay with you (or anyone) constantly. Respect my time; I respect yours! Please also let me know if there are any sensitive subjects you would like to avoid or write about together in the future. I am always open for these types of discussions.

Rule 003.

  • ic/ooc line

I am not my character; my character is not me. Do not conflate the two. Also, I do not tolerate racism, sexism, or ableism in any form. I understand nuance for hard topics exists in the role-play space, but blatant bigoted/hateful talk will find you blocked.

Rule 004.

  • no minors

l will not role-play with any player under 18 years of age. I will not role-play with any character ICly under 18 years of age. It makes me uncomfortable. In fact, I would much prefer my more long term RP partners to be in their mid to late 20's and older.

Rule 005.

  • communication is key

I prefer the type of roleplay partner that is willing to chat about things OOCly and be casual friends outside of our stories together. I've found over the years that my role-play is much more enjoyable this way. If you're not open to this, then you may want to seek another writer that is more in line with your style.

Rule 006.

  • romantic arc status

Rowan is currently available for romantic encounters and slow-burn developments. If that ever changes, so will this rule. Casual sex is fine for this character, but it may be fade-to-black per my discretion. I do not ERP for the sake of it.


  •   chosen name    rowan mossheart.

  •   forest name    kaj djt-setlas.

  •   age    early 40's.

  •   pronouns    he/him.

  •   race    rava viera.

  •   namedate    4th sun of 6th umbral moon.

  •   sexuality    pansexual.

  •   origin    northern golmore jungle.

  •   location    anywhere.

  •   mbti    ISFP-T / adventurer.

  •   element    earth.

  •   alignment    neutral good(ish).


Rowan Mossheart is a young viera who is considered wise beyond his years. He is steadfast, strong, loyal to his ideals, and wears his heart on his sleeve. Though his outward visage gives off the impression of someone stoic and unphased, Rowan is actually quite emotional and isn't afraid to show how he feels if need be. His wisdom is born of the great trees of the northern jungle, the whispers of the mountain wind, the trickling of icy waters. Rowan is a peaceful soul living amidst war and sorrow, and yet he seeks something more beyond his ken.


  •   height    6'1".

  •   weight    190.

  •   build    lean muscular.

  •   eyes    dark green.

  •   hair    dark brown.

  •   notable marks    none while clothed.

  •   scars    minor combat scars.

  •   languages    common, native viera tongue.

  •   religion    druidry.

  •   weapons    bow/arrows & swords.

  •   magic type    natural.

  •   voiceclaim    tbd.


  •   strength    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   dexterity    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   constitution    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   intelligence    ❀❀❀❀❀

  •   wisdom    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   charisma    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   animal handling    ❀❀❀❀❀

  •   perception    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   stealth    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   survival    ❀❀❀❀❀❀

  •   nature    ❀❀❀❀❀


  •   considerate    rowan is excels at reading the room and gauging the energy of people and areas. he usually considers his words and actions with degrees of care.

  •   good listener    those long ears aren't just for hunting and being in the wilderness. rowan excels at listening to other beings while remaining calm and still.

  •   nature guardian    rowan doesn't trust people who don't respect the wilds. he finds all creatures valuable and respects the circle and web of life. he is loyal to the land, sky, and sea first over any nation.


  •   aloof    rowan likes people well enough, but doesn't seem too eager to be around them. being a ranger means that there is some degree of solitary nature that cannot be overcome. he often has to be sought out for company.

  •   judgmental    rowan bases a lot of his decisions on emotions, and sometimes doesn't wait for all the facts to form opinions. he may be part of the greater realm, but in many ways he is still in the mindset of someone from a secluded forest community.

  •   stubborn    once rowan has an opinion of someone or something it is difficult to talk him out of it if he's in the wrong. patience and kindness are usually more effective than forceful arguments. he isn't one for debate.


forests, playing music, fruit, sunrises & sunsets, song & dance, desert oasis, animals, casual smoking, waterfalls, lush greenery, fresh water, bardic tales, random acts of kindness, helping others, sleeping & resting.
metallic surfaces & places, ceruleum, rich people/people in power, cannon-fire, greed, man-made scents, loud noises, small dark spaces, pungent unnatural smells, callous & dismissive attitudes.


  •   birth.    winter in the northern golmore is more noticeable since his home sits near the skatay mountain range. there were snowflakes high in the air that day.

  •   coming of age.    as one of the biggest ceremonies celebrated by his people, rowan's was greeted with much fanfare. he continued to grow taller than many of the kits his age.

  •   wood-warder.    despite his home being different than most viera tribes in the jungle, rowan did have to complete a rigorous training. after a few years, the spirits bestowed to him the title djt-setlas: celestial earth.

  •   sudden departure.    no one knew rowan was going to up and leave one night. no one but him knows the reason to this day. he's never spoken of it to a single soul.

  •   the ranger life.    after gleaning some guidance, rowan managed to find his path. between clan centurio and a few high roller clients, rowan established a decent career hunting and felling beasts. some men, as well, depending on their crime.

  •   rabanastre's destruction.    with his hub city destroyed, friends and contacts lost, and no leads other than garlemald, rowan fell in with the dalmascan resistance.

  •   second departure.    sickened by war and all its lack of meaning, rowan left the entire region behind to seek out something new.

  BIOGRAPHY    Once upon a time, a village in the trees lost one of its own. By choice, Kaj Djt-Setlas left his brothers and sisters of the Golmore Jungle, far to the north, and traveled west toward Dalmasca. Not a soul knows why the Avatar of Celestial Earth left his home that night, but left he did and gone he was, forever. It walking upon the tiles of the glistening city of Rabanastre that Rowan Mossheart was born. Seeing, learning, absorbing, the youth made his way all around southern Othard. He took jobs, listened to stories, healed the sick and helped deliver children. To many he was a saviour and to others an enemy; it depended on which job he took and whose story he heard first. That being said: Rowan will always heed the poor over the rich. To him, money and all its meaning is a necessary societal evil, but evil nonetheless.
Indeed, Rowan became a ranger of some renown in the area. As a folk hero of sorts, the man's reputation was mostly positive, and it was that reputation that saw him gain the attention of the Dalmascan Resistance. For cycles and cycles Rowan dismissed the group as nothing more than a ragtag bunch of hopefuls, but as the tensions of the area escalated, the ranger could no longer turn a blind eye to just how terrible the IVth Legion was for the people. Though he never joined officially, he was considered an ally and accompanied them on a handful of dangerous missions. After Rabanastre became naught but a pile of rubble and sand, Rowan accompanied the Resistance to their presence at Bozja. It was there that he witnessed true war and carnage in ways he'd never seen before.
When the tide turned in the favour of the Resistance, Rowan took his leave of Bozja, the Dalmascans, the war, and everything with it. He has been wandering the star, almost aimless, ever since. His travels took him west, through Ilsabard, and finally in recent moons to the rather famous Aldenard, and therefore Eorzea. What will the ranger find for himself within these new, aether-ripe lands?

  • gráspör

  • little friend

Not quite tame and not quite wild, this tiny sparrow has been flitting around Rowan ever since he happened upon the Twelveswood. Curious and alert, the being seems to have taken a liking to him for yet unknown reasons.

  • aric holt

  • untrustworthy foe

Though Rowan doesn't know Aric on a personal level, he saw enough to know that the man isn't to be trusted. The viera is aware of many of the people this hyur killed during the Bozjan Conflict and isn't keen on meeting him again.

  • rael delacroix

  • client + ally

  •   carrd  

Rowan served as a guide for Rael through the southern Golmore Jungle so the mage could obtain aetheric data about the area. Though their encounter was brief, it was certainly memorable.

folk hero

  • dalmasca.

  • werlyt + thavnair.

  • the black shroud.

Rowan has moved from east to west in recent times and his actions have followed him. While mostly helpful, there are many who would call him a foe—and they'd be correct. Perhaps your character needs immediate assistance or previously heard tell of his various deeds—good or bad.


  • monsters.

  • elusive beasts.

  • wanted men.

For a price, Rowan is willing to hunt creatures for reasons only he can judge as "correct." He doesn't consider himself a mercenary, but acts like one in many respects. The main difference is that money doesn't govern his entire world. If he does accept the challenge, consider it done. He's a man of his word.


  • golmore jungle.

  • rabanastre.

  • bozja.

Rowan considers himself a loyal person, but that loyalty is toward his goals and to nature. When the realm of men is involved, he can be flighty and unpredictable. Not only has he abandoned his home, but he also up and left dire causes in which he was directed involved.